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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 9, Issue 5, pp. 773-961

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On the $h$- and $p$-Versions of the Extrapolated Gordon's Projector with Applications to Elliptic Equations

J. P. Hennart and E. H. Mund

pp. 773-791

A Local Refinement Finite-Element Method for Two-Dimensional Parabolic Systems

Slimane Adjerid and Joseph E. Flaherty

pp. 792-811

Far-Field Boundary Conditions for Time-Dependent Hyperbolic Systems

Bertil Gustafsson

pp. 812-828

Diagonal Padé Approximations for Initial Value Problems

Michael F. Reusch, Lee Ratzan, Neil Pomphrey, and Wonchull Park

pp. 829-838

Implementation of the Topological $\varepsilon $-Algorithm

Roger C. E. Tan

pp. 839-848

On the Complexity of Sparse $QR$ and $LU$ Factorization of Finite-Element Matrices

Alan George and Esmond Ng

pp. 849-861

Sparse Partial Pivoting in Time Proportional to Arithmetic Operations

John R. Gilbert and Tim Peierls

pp. 862-874

A Bisection Method for Measuring the Distance of a Stable Matrix to the Unstable Matrices

Ralph Byers

pp. 875-881

Efficient Implementations of Certain Iterative Methods

J. M. Ortega

pp. 882-891

Iterative Methods for Equality-Constrained Least Squares Problems

J. L. Barlow, N. K. Nichols, and R. J. Plemmons

pp. 892-906

Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares: Algorithms, Convergence Analysis, and Numerical Comparisons

R. Wolke and H. Schwetlick

pp. 907-921

Error Localization for Erroneous Data: Continuous Data, Linear Constraints

R. S. Garfinkel, A. S. Kunnathur, and G. E. Liepins

pp. 922-931

How to Polish off Median Polish

A. M. Fink

pp. 932-940

Bit-Wise Behavior of Random Number Generators

N. S. Altman

pp. 941-949

Sampling from Gauss Rules

M. Evans and T. Swartz

pp. 950-961